For Over 25 Years, We Are Proud To Say That Most Of Our Clients
Have Been Wtih Us Throughout Their Entire Business Life Cycle.


It has been Delta Dynamics’ pleasure to serve hundreds of customers, in BC, across Canada, and around the world, since starting out in 1994. We began with just three people on staff and only 3000sqft of shop floor, but grew quickly and soon made a name for ourselves as a power transmission systems manufacturer of the highest caliber.

After expanding to over four times our original shop size and six times our starting staff within our first decade on the job, Delta Dynamics moved into a brand new, custom built shop that features over 25,000 square feet of space. We have continued to grow ever since, constantly working to expand our capability to provide our customers with the services they need, reaching over 30 machinists in the shop and 10 dedicated management and design staff. Though we are the newest gear drive manufacturing shop in BC, we are the second largest, and are still growing!

Delta Dynamics is committed to providing our customers with top quality, cost-effective and on-time power transmission solutions. We put our extensive gearing experience and knowledge to work to provide “fill-in-the-blank” design services, offering customers assistance from concept to completion on every job. We strive to continually improve the quality of our products and services, as well as increase the volume of work that we can take on. Delta Dynamics has been, since our inception, and continues to be at the forefront of new gear design and manufacture technologies and techniques, and was the first gear drive machine shop in BC to start using a CNC form grinder to produce our gears, a piece of technology which all other shops in BC have since started using.

As a highly experienced Custom Gear Design Manufacturer which is large enough to handle high-volume orders, but small enough to provide outstanding and personalized service to each of its customers, Delta Dynamics remains BC’s #1 choice for one-stop gear drive and power transmission system design and manufacturing!

Quality Is In The Detail!

Our Success Is Due To Spending The Time

To Assess The Fine Details Of Every Drawing

Quality Policy ISO9000-2015 DDI - Jan 2 2021


Derek Northmore, Purchasing Manager
“We’ve supplied them with drawings that have been perfected by our engineers. They still don’t just proceed with what is on the drawings. They make improvements.”
“Their strengths are to supply technical expertise, suggestions and tips, ideas on how to approach things, and things to watch out for!”
Norbert Kott, Engineer
“I’m in the business of doing 1 offs and 2 offs – I have specific requirements. One of their biggest strengths is experience, and the way they are structured – you can speak to the people (on the floor) that are working on your project.”
"This is a truly stunning performance mainly by you and your staff. I would like to thank everybody for the excellent work which yielded this absolutely stunning result."
John Robinson, Mobile Equipment Supervisor
“They’ve always managed to exceed original equipment design.”
“You don’t have redo stuff done 14 times”
Shirley Watts, Corporate Buyer
"I am very pleased with you and your service. Thanks for all you do!"
Manufacturing Manager
Also attached a photo of the assembled parts that you made for us. It all went together very smoothly.
Once again we really appreciate all the efforts from the Delta staff.
Manufacturing Manager
Garth, I wanted to be the first to thank you and Delta Dynamics for the timely and excellent quality parts that we have received from you thus far. I’ve had a few people (that I know also make quality product) comment on the parts that you have manufactured for us, with a very positive note. They were very impressed. As am I.
Looking forward to continuing a positive working relationship with yourself and your Staff.